Exit Through The Gift Shop- A Banksy Film, the forth coming documentary by graffiti King, Banksy. Britains hottest national treasure, whose origins began in Bristol one of the most multicultural cities in the UK and where many of the island’s urban graffiti artists originate from. Banksy is a pseudo-anonymous graffiti artist. He is thought to be one Robert Banks, aged 33. Primarily a graffiti artist using stencils, he has also designed sculptures and installations.His art is overtly political and often controversial. Unlike most artists, his creations invite criticism not only because of their subject matter but because of their medium – they involve daubing paint over public or private property. Banksy is also the author of many self-published books:
Banging Your Head Against A Brick Wall, Existencilism, Cut it Out, Wall and Piece, Pictures of Walls.
Go see Exit Through The Gift Shop, the first Street Art Disaster Film in your city. Go here https://www.banksyfilm.com/ to see if its playing in your city!
Exit Through the Gift Store Trailer
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