In 2011, Toronto declared a War on Graffiti. Leading the anti-graffiti campaign is the city’s most controversial mayor in recent history: Rob Ford, a conservative middle-aged businessman who polarizes the public with his views on what a city should be. “Between the Lines” is a documentary about a group of Toronto street artists who find new meaning in their work as they defend it against the Mayor’s War on Graffiti.
Between The Lines – Doc Ignite Campaign Video from betweenthelinesdoc on Vimeo.
“Between the Lines” has been following the stories of street artists including Deadboy, Spud, and Joel Richardson for more than a year as they teeter between cashing in and selling out. Now they need our assistance. Please check out the “Between the Lines” DogIgnite crowd-funding campaign and donate whatever you can to help this exciting documentary fulfill its potential.
In the coming months a wave of graffiti removal will sweep across the City of Toronto leaving blank canvases in its wake. The artists are itching for the opportunity to get at those walls and the crew of “Between the Lines” need to be right there with them. With a bit of funding to back them they can be in the right places with the right equipment to capture what lies beneath the paint on the city walls of Toronto.