Os Gemeos, Portugese for “the twins,” are Brazil’s most world renowned graffiti artists/muralists. These mavericks have reshaped the interpretation of street art; their style is vibrant, magical, fantastic, simultaneously folksy and pop, projecting a child-like surreal world that would make Dali blush. Their giant murals for Nike’s international campaign, involving both billboards and shows, have entered them into cult status amongst worldwide sneaker-jocks and hip hop junkies. The identical twins began painting in ’88 and today work on canvases, sculptures, graphic design, and outdoor walls, making the transition from street credibility to international art gallery phenoms. We caught up with the globetrotters in their native city of São Paulo and they painted for us in the mega-metropolis where they not only began their career, but where they continue to hold true to their roots by painting and doing pichaçao (tag) spontaneously on the street.
Check out more of their work at: www.lost.art.br/osgemeos