Thank you for everyone who came out and made our LA premiere such a huge success. Laemmle has agreed to give us another Friday night – this Friday the 13th! There will be a 7:50 and 10:10 showings. And I, Jon Reiss, will come to the 10:10 screening for a Q&A. I hope to see you there for this last opportunity to see Bomb It on the big screen.
BOMB It Extends at the Sunset 5 in Los Angeles
This entry was posted in Augor, Belx2, Blek Le Rat, Brad Downey, Chaz Bojorquez, Cornbread, Daim, Extra/ Maze, Faith47, Falko, Global Graffiti Documentary, Graffiti, Graffiti Films, History of Graffiti, Inkie, Kafre, Kenor, Laemmle Sunset 5, Los Angeles, Mear One, News, Nina, Os Gemeos, Pez, Pose 2, Public Space, Revok, Robbie Conal, Ron English, Scage, Screenings, Shepard Fairey, Stay High 149, Street Art, T-Kid 170, Taki 183, Tracy 168, Vyal, Zephyr, Zezao, Zosen. Bookmark the permalink.