Category Archives: Zephyr
New York Graffiti Artists Refuse to Grow Up
I came across this story by the Associated Press earlier this week. It features none other than Zephyr, who appeared in — drum roll please — Bomb It 1. I’m sure nobody saw that one coming 😉 Some New York … Continue reading
Posted in Anti Graffiti, Bomb It, Graffiti, New York, Street Art, Zephyr
Tagged bomb it, Global Graffiti Documentary, Graffiti, New York Graffiti, street art movie, ZEPHYR
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BOMB It Extends at the Sunset 5 in Los Angeles
Thank you for everyone who came out and made our LA premiere such a huge success. Laemmle has agreed to give us another Friday night – this Friday the 13th! There will be a 7:50 and 10:10 showings. And I, … Continue reading
Posted in Augor, Belx2, Blek Le Rat, Brad Downey, Chaz Bojorquez, Cornbread, Daim, Extra/ Maze, Faith47, Falko, Global Graffiti Documentary, Graffiti, Graffiti Films, History of Graffiti, Inkie, Kafre, Kenor, Laemmle Sunset 5, Los Angeles, Mear One, News, Nina, Os Gemeos, Pez, Pose 2, Public Space, Revok, Robbie Conal, Ron English, Scage, Screenings, Shepard Fairey, Stay High 149, Street Art, T-Kid 170, Taki 183, Tracy 168, Vyal, Zephyr, Zezao, Zosen
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GRAFFITI PLANET BOOK RELEASE KET has released a new book that documents the art of some of the best writers on the planet including GHOST, OS GEMEOS (Brazil), SABE (Denmark), SMART (Italy), ZEPHYR, KENT (Germany), DELTA (Holland), AISLAP (Chile), and … Continue reading