Tag Archives: Cornbread
Wall Writers
Wall Writers is a documentary that focuses on the early days of graffiti when art became a democracy and self-promotion became an art. Featured in the movie are graffiti pioneers like TAKI183 and CORNBREAD — both of whom also featured … Continue reading
Graffiti Artists Vie For Trip to Prague
By Ksenia Galouchko / Special to The Moscow Times Heating units, which regulate heating in the city, can be found in most courtyards and are usually squat, drab, utilitarian buildings with little architectural value. The only people attracted to the … Continue reading
Businesses Use Graffiti Art to Keep Graffiti Away
By Alfredo Aleman, EGP Staff Writer All around Los Angeles, murals can be readily seen on the walls of pharmacies, clothing stores and markets, usually depicting some sort of message to the community. While artists may see the murals as … Continue reading
Graffiti-deterring cameras installed in Van Nuys tunnel
LA TIME BLOGSPOT Gerrick D. Kennedy A dozen surveillance cameras have been installed inside a San Fernando Valley tunnel hard-hit by graffiti vandalism. The 711-foot tunnel on Sherman Way next to the Van Nuys Airport has been riddled with graffiti … Continue reading
Artist or criminal? Graffiti charges spark debate
By COURTNEY POTTS Observer-Dispatch UTICA — Supporters say he’s an artist. Prosecutors say he’s a criminal. In either case, Caeden Lauber will soon be behind bars after pleading guilty July 14 to a felony charge of second-degree criminal mischief for … Continue reading