From a Manu Chao song:
Por el suelo hay una compadrita
Que ya nadie se para a mirar
Por el suelo hay una mamacita
Que se muere de no respetar
Pachamama te veo tan triste
Pachamama me pongo a llorarDirt cheap, here’s a female companion
That nobody bothers to see
Dirt cheap, here’s a mamacita
whos dying, she has no respect
Pachamama, I see you so sad
Pachamama, I’m going to cry
“The mother goddess, Pachamama, presided over the indigenous peoples of the Andes for centuries. In parts of Bolivia, Chile, and Peru, she was venerated as the Virgin Mary—a legacy of Spanish colonialism. Today, on a street corner in Hollywood, California, a mural in her honor sanctifies the City of Angels. Three native Angelino scribes, Retna, Dame, and Werc, use the concrete canvasses of Los Angeles as a gallery to display their reverence. …”
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