Something to think about in the New Year: Anti-War Murals

Background of the issue-at-hand:
Jeffrey Deitch, the new L.A. MOCA director, launched a pre-emptive strike on a mural by the Italian street artist Blu that he had commissioned him to paint on the side of the Geffen Contemporary building. Deitch objected to the content of the mural — a series of coffins draped with dollar bills instead of flags — because he felt that it might upset the museum’s immediate neighbors, the Japanese-American community and the veteran community at the L.A. Veterans’ Affairs Hospital. Deitch asked Blu to repaint the wall with another image, the artist refused, and an art controversy was born. There seems to have been a misconception on MOCAs part, as to what the mural was attempting to project – not that the artists was against veterans or soldiers currently fighting but the bureaucracy that is behind the wars.

Anti-war images are controversial it can be hard to know how it affects those fighting and those who have fought. Just remember Vietnam. Are these images a detriment to our soldiers whether or not they are the target?

MOCA Image Here

Blu Animation:

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