This piece was in part of an alley in Toronto where there is an annual event called “Style in Progress.” Building owners and graffiti writers work together and there is a day of incredible artwork. It’s an amazing celebration of graffiti as art, with a ton of fantastic talent, and the people we met were totally excited about it.
This piece really jumped out at me because of the coloring. It takes a minute to absorb everything that’s happening in this piece, but if you spend a couple of good solid minutes looking at it, you’ll see small nuances of the colors.
One of the reasons I liked this piece so much was because of the unspecific light and dark patches of the fill. The lights and darks aren’t tethered to a specific pattern. Look at how the beige, pinks and white transition and interact.
If you take a close look, the depth of this piece is defined by the gradient 3-D blues and browns.
CapJack is a Denver Public Schools student and art critic.
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