Author Archives: Jon
Bomb It in MNDaily – Screening at the Walker Tonight
Here is an article from Minneapolis today featuring interviews with me and Stefano Bloch who is one of the very articulate subjects in Bomb It – particularly on the issue of public space. A former writer, he is now a … Continue reading
Bomb It Screens at the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis
We are super excited that Bomb It will be having its premiere in Minneapolis at the Walker Art Center on October 16th! Stefano E. Bloch who appears prominently in the film and is at the University of Minnesota studying public … Continue reading
Bomb It Keeps on Screening! 4 Continents in August and September
Hello All, We have screenings on 4 continents coming up in the next couple of months. If you know of any location that would want to screen the film or if you want to set up a screening in your … Continue reading
Obama Car Art Contest
These great guys in San Francisco who incorporate art into car art are holding a contest for an Obama themed car art design – I’m one of the judges. Winner gets some cash and some other prizes including a Bomb … Continue reading
Bomb It Toronto Premiere
Bomb It Premieres in Toronto next Week July 11th Jon Reiss will be in attendance before and after the screening at 7pm at the Bloor Cinema.